Yes! But please first take careful note that NOT ALL ESSENTIAL OILS ARE CREATED EQUAL!
If you are planning to add essential oils to your cooking, first make sure that they are 100% pure, distilled directly from the plant and that the manufacturer can guarantee that there are no other additives.
Typically, high-quality essential oils go through rounds of rigorous testing to ensure the product is safe to use. Not all companies use thorough testing methods, and many essential oil distributors will use synthetic fillers that alter the efficacy of the oils.
Only use essential oils that have been carefully produced and thoroughly tested to ensure safety for you and your family. It’s important to choose high quality essential oils that have been tested and cleared for safe use before using them with your family.
For this reason, I only use doTERRA essential oils - I fully trust their quality for me and my family.
Their essential oils are put through a meticulous testing process, where they are analyzed for potentially harmful contaminants and other substances that could compromise the safety or quality of the oil.
To read more about doTERRA and their oils, click here: